RFP (initial report)
Request Proposal
Level 1 Full/Initial Report
(with site-visit)
Recommended immediately after transition from developer control or for associations that lack confidence in the accuracy (or detail) of their component inventory.
Designed for associations performing an initial reserve study that requires component identification & quantification in order to set-up the foundation of the study.
Physical Analysis (with site-visit)
- Develop component inventory
- Establish useful life & remaining life values
- Estimate costs
- Prepare field report (or condition assessment) with DIGITAL COLOR PHOTOS of problems observed
Financial Analysis
- Determine reserve allocation
- Determine reserve strength
- Project reserve income & expense over a time-frame
RFP (update report)
Request Proposal
Level 2 Full Update
(with site-visit)
Recommended ‘at least’ every three (3) years.
Developed for associations that have confidence in the accuracy (or detail) of their component inventory, and require an expert in all construction trades (such as a licensed General Contractor or Engineer) to prepare a field report (or condition assessment).
Prior report required!
Physical Analysis (with site-visit)
- Evaluate/Adjust useful life & remaining life values
- Evaluate/Adjust costs
- Prepare field report (or condition assessment) with DIGITAL COLOR PHOTOS of problems observed
Financial Analysis
- Determine reserve allocation
- Determine reserve strength
- Project reserve income & expense over a time-frame
Buy Now $369*
Level 3 Financial Update
(no site-visit)
Recommended in the years between a Level 2 Full Update (with site-visit).
Allows for an inexpensive review/update necessary to ensure success. It is highly recommended for associations that are “weak” in reserve strength, with a strengthening plan in-process that needs monitored. The association must have confidence in the accuracy (or detail) of their component inventory.
Prior report required!
Physical Analysis (no site-visit)
- Evaluate/Adjust useful life & remaining life values
- Evaluate/Adjust Costs
Financial Analysis
- Determine reserve allocation
- Determine reserve strength
- Project reserve income & expense over a time-frame
*New clients only
Buy Now $369
You do half…& we’ll do half!
Recommended for smaller associations that may have budget constraints, larger associations with qualified staff capable of doing the physical analysis or any other association that requires a professional Reserve Study report.
How it Works
The association (or designated rep) performs the physical analysis by utilizing clear & concise step-by-step instructions contained in the workbook. Worksheets are completed & forwarded to Strategic Reserves.
We compile this information & perform the financial analysis to provide a funding plan that is uniquely established by our expert analysis of the association’s current physical & financial condition. A draft is sent for review prior to completion.